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Section 08

Additional Amenities

Coffee Machines

1. Free coffee is provided through one of two machines: a coffee/tea, hot/cold multipurpose machine on the Second Floor Apartment, and a high-end “bean-to-cup” superautomatic espresso machine in the Fourth Floor Apartment. Both of these machine are expensive, delicate devices, please use them with care, and don't move them from where they are located.

2. Guests need to make sure it has water (from water purifiers); beans are house-provided. Sugar is provided, but milk is not. Coffee cups are located in the respective kitchen cabinets, alongside plates and cups; please return them to their respective kitchens.

3. Coffee grounds need to be emptied often, in the “inorganic” trash can of the kitchen, making sure that none of the internal plastic machine parts end up inside the trash can alongside the coffee grounds (it has happened).

Coffee Supplies


1. Coffee (Grounds and Beans): supplied free by Co3

2. Sugar: supplied free by Co3

3. Any other things (milk, cream, other sweeteners, etc.): not supplied by Co3


Water Purifiers

1. We have three levels of water purification: first from the entirety of the building, second from our kitchen faucets, and third from the Unilever machine in the 202 kitchen.

2. To use, the Unilever water purifier needs to be periodically replenished by hand, filling it with water from the kitchen sink purifier using the plastic pitcher kept right underneath it. Guests are responsible for this, in the following format:
On Mondays: Mango
On Tuesdays; Zarzamora
On Wednesdays: Arándano
On Thursdays: Aguacate
On Fridays: Frambuesa
On Saturdays: Melocotón.

3. Food should be washed with purified water from kitchen sink purifiers; dishes can be washed with non-purified water.


Extra Fans /Humidifiers /Heaters /Conforters

1. You can request additional fans, humidifiers, heaters, or comforters to Co3 House Manager, who will direct cleaning staff to hand it to you from storage.

2. There is a limited supply of these, so we may not be able to fulfill all requests at any given time (unlikely).

3. Please return to cleaning staff when you no longer need it.


Other Useful Supplies

(in the mesh cubbies between kitchen and staircase, on the 201-side)-

1. Skin care, hair care, shampoo and various sorts shower related supplies (middle high baskets)-

2. Groceries bags to avoid having to pay for them at the supermarket (middle baskets).

3. Other utilities, such as pet diapers, roach killing gel, spray and baits (low baskets).


White Towels

1. All white towels are common to the apartment and to be used in common areas, such as common/shared bathrooms, kitchen and Roof Garden (jacuzzi or patio).

2. Please don't take any white towels into your bedroom, even those found in your own bathroom, or use them as personal towels..

3. Only jacuzzi white towels are to be used in one’s person, and they must be put into a used bin at the Roof Garden area after use in the jacuzzi.