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Section 05

Kitchen Usage & Etiquette

Kitchens Usage

1. Cook in either of the kitchens, regardless of the location of the kitchen cabinet that belongs to your bedroom. Kitchens themselves are not designated to specific bedrooms.

2. Both kitchens are virtually identically equipped, except for the blender, microwave, toaster-oven, coffee machine and a few other electrical items, which are placed in one or the other. These belong to both kitchens regardless of where they are, and can be used freely by anyone but must be returned where they were found immediately after use.

3. Only use the dishes, cups, silverware and utensils that belong to the kitchen you are using, as they are evenly distributed for everyone’s convenience. Any dishes, cups or utensils you take into your room, make sure to return them to their corresponding kitchen at the latest the next morning and to wash and dry them.

Your Food


1. To store your (non-refrigerated) food, use the cabinet shelves corresponding to the name/color of your bedroom.

2. Refrigerator and freezer shelves are not bedroom specific, so you will need to label your food with your name using the color marker and labels found in the outside of the refrigerator door. Any unmarked or expired food items will be cleared and disposed by cleaning staff every Friday afternoon.

3. You can use Co3-provided plastic food containers (they are re-usable, not to be disposed of after use). Withdraw any food items from fridge immediately once no longer fresh, that you don't need, or that may cause odor or stains inside of the refrigerator.


Organic & Inorganic Waste

1. There is one organic waste bin and one inorganic waste bin in each kitchen. It is very important that guests distinguish between organic and inorganic waste, as otherwise, cleaning staff need to go into bins to sort it out themselves.

2. Kitchen bins are emptied by cleaning staff three times during weekdays. Please don’t empty them yourself.

3. In case of overflow on any of the bins, please use the emptier corresponding one (“organic” or “inorganic”) on the other kitchen.


Kitchen Sink Etiquette

1. Never leave dishes, cups, silverware, utensils or anything else in any kitchen sink. Guests are responsible for washing anything they use and not leaving anything in the kitchen sink, as though expecting it to be washed by cleaning staff. This is NOT included in their job description.

2. Do not take out the filter mesh on the drainage of the sink, as it leads to clog; make sure it’s on when you wash.

3. After doing your dishes, rinse the kitchen sink from any food or other remains, and then empty the contents of the drain mesh on the “organic” trash bin right there in the kitchen.


Cooking Etiquette

1. Odors during cooking can easily accumulate in Co3's lower level if kitchen fans are not turned on, and balcony and entrance doors are not opened widely. Please make sure to mind this as you cook.

2. Wash, dry and put away pots and pans right after you are finished, as they take too much space in the drying rack, and make things difficult for normal drying of plates and cups.

3. Wipe all surfaces with the surface drying rag to clean up food or oily remains on top of kitchen and eating table right next to it.


Towels & Rags

1. There are three towels in the kitchen. The dishes drying towel, the hands towel, and the surfaces-drying rag.

2. The dish drying towel is the one closest to the drying rack. The hands drying towel is the one a bit further from the dish drying rack, and the surfaces drying rag is the one on the surface right next to the kitchen faucet.

3. Please use them all for their intended purposes, and don't move them somewhere else. Cleaning staff are responsible for their upkeep and will often replace them with clean ones.